Amoré Apr08 by Rachel Arnow on April 8, 2013 at 12:01 AM Chapter: ComicsCharacters: Erica, Manny, Marcus └ Tags: amoré, date, dated, dates, dating, eel, frown, frowned, frowning, frowns, girlfriend, introduce, introduced, introduces, introducing, introduction, Italian, language, moray, pun, sad, smile, smiled, smiles, smiling, three panel, wordplay
DON’T LISTEN TO HIM!!!!!!!!! YOU CAN DATE ANY ANIMAL YOU LOVE! CURRENTLY, I AM DATING well, lets see… my friends dog (Sasha), my friends caterpillar, my enemy’s hamster (Walter), my enemy’s other hamster (Chester), and my stuffed bear. So, yeah.
I’m extremely concerned
Do any of you guys out there think that my many relationships with animals will kind of slim down my chance of getting a human boyfriend? Be honest.
Female speaking here:
I don’t think it will, as long as you don’t tell him it was a serious relationship.
It wasn’t a serious relationship was it?
Didn’t Marcus have an EGGPLANT as a DAUGHTER in one of these???