Hahaha! Good one! Why isn’t it in colour though?
good question!!
I’d love to see this one in colour. I’m a LARPer and feel it should be shared, but it doesn’t look right without the glorious technicolor.
Wow, you did some really intricate work here. Nicely done! 🙂 So, so talented.
Stop useing my name!!!!
It’s not in color because this was uploaded before she added color. It’s still awesome. Also, who is useing my name?! Whoever is pretending to be “Kokaheart” plz stop it, THATS MY NAME ON THIS SITE. ????
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Hahaha! Good one! Why isn’t it in colour though?
good question!!
I’d love to see this one in colour. I’m a LARPer and feel it should be shared, but it doesn’t look right without the glorious technicolor.
Wow, you did some really intricate work here. Nicely done! 🙂 So, so talented.
Stop useing my name!!!!
It’s not in color because this was uploaded before she added color. It’s still awesome. Also, who is useing my name?! Whoever is pretending to be “Kokaheart” plz stop it, THATS MY NAME ON THIS SITE. ????