Book of Kelps Jul15 by Rachel Arnow on July 15, 2024 at 12:01 AM Chapter: Comics └ Tags: Bible, Biblical, black & white, black and white, Book of Kells, border, borders, Celtic, Christian, Christianity, Gaeilge, gospel, gospels, grayscale, greyscale, illuminate, illuminated, illumination, Irish, kelp, kelps, knot, knot-work, knots, knotted, knotting, knotwork, lettering, letters, manuscript, medieval, otter, otters, outline, outlined, outlines, outlining, pen, reference, religious, saint, saintly, scallop, scallops, sea otter, sea otters, seashell, seashells, shell, shells, single panel, text, zoomorphic, zoomorphics
OMG Love this.
This is hilarious and amazing, love your comic