haha–love it
Never get tired of this strip lol… If I get your permission I may get it into a t-shirt some day lol (just one for myself, not a comercial thing)
This is awesome you inspired me to do my own manatee comic! , , C’) |:| giraffe!
I love manatees so much, and I think these are the best comics EVER!!!!!!! This strip is my favorite!
I know how u fell, Manatee Lover. As ur future self, I know.
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haha–love it
Never get tired of this strip lol… If I get your permission I may get it into a t-shirt some day lol (just one for myself, not a comercial thing)
This is awesome you inspired me to do my own manatee comic!
, ,
|:| giraffe!
I love manatees so much, and I think these are the best comics EVER!!!!!!! This strip is my favorite!
I know how u fell, Manatee Lover. As ur future self, I know.