Wonder Womanatee Sep23 by Rachel Arnow on September 23, 2013 at 12:01 AM Chapter: ComicsCharacters: Wonder Womanatee └ Tags: background, chew, chewed, chewing, chews, color, colorful, colors, colour, colourful, colours, costume, costumed, crown, four panel, hero, lasso, magic, magical, mmrf, nibble, nibbled, nibbles, nibbling, outfit, star, suit, superhero, tiara, W
I could hear the epic super hero music starting too! Was she about to lasso a gator?
Shouldn’t the name of the strip be “Humanity vs. Manatee”?
Man vs Manatee was the name of the first comic, so now it is the name of the comic strip series.
Keep up the good work!!!!!!!! Manatees are wonderful xxxxx