Book of Kelps (Color) Oct21 by Rachel Arnow on October 21, 2024 at 12:01 AM └ Tags: Bible, Biblical, book, Book of Kells, border, borders, Celtic, Christian, Christianity, color, colorful, colors, colour, colourful, colours, detail, fingernails, flipper, flippers, Gaeilge, Gaelic, gospel, gospels, historical, History, illuminate, illuminated, illumination, Ireland, Irish, Kells, kelp, kelps, knot, knot-work, knots, knotted, knotting, knotwork, lettering, letters, manuscript, medieval, nails, otter, otters, page, parchment, paw, paws, pun, reference, religion, religious, saint, saintly, saints, scallop, scallops, scrolling, scrollwork, sea otter, sea otters, seagrass, seashell, seashells, shell, shells, single panel, text, zoomorphic, zoomorphics
oh this is the stuff. heck yeah!!!