Mad Marty, Captured! Apr13 by Rachel Arnow on April 13, 2015 at 12:01 AM Chapter: ComicsCharacters: Captain Kelp, Mad Marty └ Tags: air, bad guy, breathe, breathing, cape, capture, captured, captures, escape, escaped, escapes, escaping, evil, facepalm, four panel, hat, hero, kelp, laughing, laughter, mask, moustache, mustache, superhero, supervillain, tangle, tangled, top hat, villain
Face palm
Ahaha, I want to live in this world you’ve made. 🙂
Super MANatee to the rescue
???? What do you mean by THAT?!
That is Captin Kelp!!
*slow clap* WOW!!! GOOD JOB, KELP!!!
Should have asked him to swear on his honour he’d come back down.
….oh wait.
I have seen mad marty before!