I only like the seaweed on MY sushi rolls!
I like seaweed by itself!
Seaweed by itself is delicious! Every year on Math Field Day, one of us brings in a bunch of seaweed and we all eat it on the way to the competition.
(as well)
I have to stop myself from eating the crab and rice out of the sushi rolls.
The Sushi always falls apart when I try to eat it, so I always end up with Deconstructed Sushi Rolls.
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I only like the seaweed on MY sushi rolls!
I like seaweed by itself!
Seaweed by itself is delicious! Every year on Math Field Day, one of us brings in a bunch of seaweed and we all eat it on the way to the competition.
(as well)
I have to stop myself from eating the crab and rice out of the sushi rolls.
The Sushi always falls apart when I try to eat it, so I always end up with Deconstructed Sushi Rolls.